Saturday, October 4, 2014


Sunday, October 26, 2014: Twentieth  Sunday After Pentecost
Morning Prayer
Invitatory and Psalter Page 80, BCP
Venite Page 82, BCP
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17, Page 717, BCP
First Lesson: Deuteronomy (34:1-12)
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Thessalonians 2:1-8)
Canticle 21 Page 95, BCP
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (22:24-46)
Sunday, October 19, 2014: Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost 
The celebrant was The Rev. James Callaway
First Lesson: Exodus (33:12-23) 
Psalm 99, Page 728, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (1 thessalonians 1:1-10)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (22:15-22)
Sunday, October 12, 2014: Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
The celebrant was The Bishop Clarence Coleridge
First Lesson: Exodus (32:1-14)
Psalm 106:1-6,19-23, Page 741, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Philippians 4:1-9)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (22:1-14)   
Sunday, October 5, 2014: Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost
The Celebrant was The Rev. Judith Cowper
First Lesson: Exodus (20:1-4,7-9, 12-20)
Psalm 19, Page 606, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Philippians 3:4b-14)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (21:23-46)

Friday, October 3, 2014


St. Monica's Website
To visit St. Monica's website CLICK HERE.

Directions To St. Monica's
For driving directions to St. Monica's, 3575 Main Street, Hartford CLICK HERE

Birthdays And Anniversaries In October
Happy Birthday to:  Beverly Haughton and cotdell Tuning 5th; Nicholas Harvey 6th; Susan Davis and Carol Harris 7th; Immauni 8th; Elijah Henriques 10th; Florence Burke. 11th; Patton Duncan 16th; Eddie Davis, Jason Harvey and Neville Radway 18th; Andrea Anderson 22nd; Patricia David 24th; Beverly Forrester and Taylor Jordan-Blue; Monet Warren 28th; Edrick hall 30th.

In Memory of: Amy Taylor 5th; Andrew Jordon and Stephen Okrey 8th; Beatrice McCoy 9th; Clarissa Ford and Hubert Hamilton 10th; Robert Palmer and Louise Waterman 11th; Zelma Smith 14th; Florence Jones and Bertram Jones 14th; Edward Weaver 15th; Susan Reid 16th;  Ethel Anderson, Herbert Conover and Ella Holloway 17th; Archibald Reedy 19th; Viola Jones and Corrine  Henry 22nd; Magnolia Cole 23rd; Adeline Powers and Gwendolyn Calvin 25th; Eugene Nelson, Delores Sweet and Philip Owens 27th; Ccelia Irving and Ida Worrell 28th; Cynthia Anderson 29th; Mary Baisden 30th.

James Phillips
St. Monica's extends our sincere condolences to James Phillips on the passing of his mother. May her soul rest in peace.

Ebola Outbreak
This is the biggest and most complex Ebola outbreak in history. To assist Liberians in their fight against the Ebola virus, please deliver your donations to St. Monica's Episcopal Church, 3350 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut. CDC and WHO approved Preventive Products needed include: soap, alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol, health care worker protective clothing such as gloves, masks, gown and eye shields.
 St. Monica's Senior Luncheon
St. Monica's Senior Luncheon will be held Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Thanksgiving Pie Sale
The Young People's Fellowship (YPF) is taking orders for Thanksgiving pie sale. The orders can be taken until November 20, 2014. 

St. Monica's Got Talent
On Saturday, October 24, 2014 St. Monica's Got Talent will be held. It is a Family Friendly Event that includes comedy, music, dance and fashion.

Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Veronica Airey-Wilson, Joyce Asiedu, Winston Barnaby, Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), April Carter, Evelyn Green, David Hickmon, A. Bates Lyons, Joseph Noel, Evelyn Stewart, Terrie Thomas.

Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist

Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke


Thursday, October 2, 2014


Red Doors
Like many churches, Episcopal parishes use red to let the world know what we're about. Red is the color of Christ's blood. It is a symbol of the sacrifice of the martyrs. It is the presence of the Holy Spirit. And it also marks the holy ground that lies beyond its doors. We like to think that red tells the world we're a safe place. We're a peaceful place. We're a place of refuge. Historically, churches painted their doors red to signal fleeing suspects that they were places of asylum (thank King Ethelbert's English law, circa 600 C.E.).
Source:  The Episcopal Handbook (Harrisburg, PA: 2008) p. 137 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


by Thomas Tryon
Thomas Tryon left acting to write, and I'm so glad that he did! His novel "Lady" slowly builds to a crescendo, and then when I finally understood where the story was going, I just stared at the page, shocked and unbelieving. But what a wonderful love this was! I have read the book twice and will no doubt read it again. Thomas Tryon has an incredibly fertile imagination, and he really outdid himself in this novel. I recommend it highly to anyone who would enjoy reading an outstanding and very unusual love story unusual 
Review by Ercie Berwick