We Have Elected A New Bishop
See either the October 2009 or November 2009 Blog for information about the election of The Rev. Dr. Ian T. Douglas' as the 15th Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut.
I Wonder Why?
This column answers interesting questions.
Ever wonder why bells are rung during the Sacrament part of the service?
"They are relics of the days when the church's services were in Latin and the bells were used to tell people what was happening. Absorbed in their own devotions or distracted by wondering thoughts, they might not have been looking up when the priest held up the consecrated bread and cup for them to see. Since few in those days received communion, they would have missed what they came to see. So an acolyte or assistant would ring a bell to get their attention. Where they are used, it is to mark the solemn moments of the service, such as the beginning of the prayer of consecration and the words of Jesus at the Last Supper."
Welcome to Sunday: An Introduction to Worship in the Episcopal Church: pp. 37,38 by Christopher L. Webber