Friday, March 5, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Isaiah (50:4-9a)
Psalm 31:9-16, page 623, BCP
Paul's Letter (Philippians 2:5-11)
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
according to Luke (On the handout:
portions of Luke 22:14-23:56)

Suggested Readings for the Week

Monday Mark 11:12-25; Tuesday Mark 11:27-33;
Wednesday Mark 12:1-11; Thursday Mark 14:12-25;
Friday John 13:36-38; Saturday Hebrews 4:1-16.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Isaiah (43:16-21)
Psalm 126, page 782, BCP
Paul's Letter (Philippians 3:4b-14)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ
according to John (12:1-8)

Suggested Readings for the Week

Monday Mark 9:30-41;
Tuesday Mark 9:42-50;
Wednesday Mark 10:1-16; Thursday Hebrews 2:5-10;
Mark 10:32-45; Saturday Mark 10:46-52.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Joshua (5:9-12)
Psalm 32, page 624, BCP
Paul's Letter (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according
to Luke (15:1-3, 11b-32)

Suggested Readings for the Week

Monday Mark 7:24-37; Tuesday Mark 8:1-10; Wednesday
Mark 8:11-26; Thursday Mark 8:27-9:1; Friday Matthew
1:18-25; Saturday Mark 9:14-29.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Exodus (3:1-15)
Psalm 63:1-8, pages 670, 671, BCP
Paul's Letter (1Corinthians 10:1-13)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to
Luke (13:1-9)

Suggested Readings for the Week

Monday Mark 5:21-43; Tuesday Mark 6:1-13; Wednesday
Mark 6:13-29; ThursdayMark 6:30-46; Friday Mark 6:47-56;
Saturday Mark 7:1-23.


Your comments and Contributions
Your comments and contributions are important. Please let us hear
from you.

1. Send your emails to:
2. Comments can be made on the blog.
3. See me (Floyd Wyche) in church. I attend 8:00 a.m. service

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday: 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Monday 6:30 a.m.
Tuesday 6:30 a.m.
Wednesday 6:30 p.m,.
Maundy Thursday 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday 12 noon
Easter 6:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Easter Breakfast

The Young Adult Ministry will host a breakfast on Easter Morning
between the 6:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Members of the
congregation are ask to donate items that will be provided for
breakfast. Volunteers are needed to cook and setup. Any monetary
donations will go towards the YPF's trip to the U.B.E. Annual
Conference in Charleston, South Carolina.

Some Thoughts on Lent

Lent is a forty day period which patterns the life of Jesus; we do not
count the Sundays; they are Sundays in Lent and not of Lent because
Sunday is the Day of the Resurrection. The term Lent comes from
the Old English word lenctern which means springtime. Lent began
on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. It is a time when the church
calls its members to a time of 'self examination and repentance
by prayer, fasting, self denial, and by reading the meditating of
God's Holy word' (Book of common Prayer). Let us all make a
special effort to make sure that our life together here a St. Monica's
improves. Let us work at genuine love, agape, and improving our
Sunday worship.

The preceding is an excerpt that is in the Bulletin of February 28, 2101.

Work Day, March 27, 2010

It is part of our stewardship responsibility to care for the things God has
given us. A year has passed since we occupied our multipurpose space.
Let us come out on March 27th and do some 'spring cleaning.' We will
clean the kitchen area; reorganize the pantry area; dust and
clean our chairs and windows where needed. Finally, we will clean
our yard and do whatever is needed to avoid junk build up.

Our First Anniversary Sunday

What a lovely day we had on Sunday, February 21, 2010. Thanks to our
Senior Warden and his band of workers who provided a lovely break-
fast, some of us had dumplings for the first time, and a lovely lunch.
It was heart warming to see all of us involved; the youngest of us to the
oldest. Our Sunday School children were eager to help with setting up
and Andre did a great job helping us with the dishes. We pray about
caring for God's creation and being good stewards of the creation and
then we turn around and use materials that defeat our prayers. One
of our newest visitors, member I dare say, suggested that we begin to
recycle. I wholeheartedly agree. I will highly appreciate if someone
can help us get recycle bins from the city. Hooray, hooray for a lovely
a lovely first anniversary Sunday in our new building. Next year we
will celebrate on Sunday, February 20th.

Upcoming Events

1. March 21 - Celebration of Aruba.

2. March 25 - Annunciation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. March 28 - Palm Sunday.

4. March 28 - Soprano Jessica Cain will sing a concert of spiritual and
gospel music. The concert will begin at 4:00 p.m. There will be more
information in the future.


1. Vestry meeting on Thursday, Mach 11, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

2. Harvest Committee meeting on Friday, March 12, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Happy Birthday to the following parishioners:

Richard Krausz March 1; David Hickman and Denzil Ricketts
March 3; Shannon Holder March 5; Edwina Tunning and
Robert Rose March 6; Arlette Hurtle March 11; Cyrus Aimey
March 13; Camille Lawrence and Travis Samuda March 14;
Brandon Hall March 15;Dee Flowers, Cherone Levy,
Auvita McKenzie, Chantel Russell,Elroy Toppin,
and Johnsie Walker March 16; Jackie Noel and
Victoria Mitchell March 18; Mavis Blackwood March 19;
Alton Esson and Everton Stewart March 21; Samantha Myles
March 23; Cheryl Thomas March 25; Gloria Burk and
Philip Hanson March 26;Oswald Smith March 27;
Gilda Sheperd March 29; Mary Reid and
Walter Benjamin March 30;

Happy Anniversary to the following parishioners:

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jones March 17; Cynthia & Kaye Paddyfote
March 25;


We extend sincere sympathy to the O'Neil family and the
Ifill family on the recent death of loved ones. May they
Rest in peace.

Jeremy Ifill, Norma Ifill, Cheryl Thomas and the entire
Ifill family would like to express our deepest appreciation to
the church family at St. Monica's for your prayers, cards, and
words of comfort during these moments of sorrow and grief in
our lives. Thank you very much.


1-year Anniversary of St Monica’s New Church

By: Marcia Anderson-Esson

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Many have toiled, many have sacrificed

Over the years, they paid many a price

Finally the vision, was given for all to see

A house of the Lord, would be a reality

Members and non members, had played their part

Always with a very open and willing heart

Many groups were formed, much money was

diligently raised

We opened our new building, giving God thanks & praise

Our heavenly father led us and showed us the way

Come what may, we are here to stay


1 year has now past

We are worshiping in our house and holding steadfast

Praising, loving and honoring our Lord

Sunday after Sunday, we study his word

Our church has been growing, increasing day by day

Upon these rocks, is where we will stay

Many young ones have now joined us here

They will need teaching, nurturing and tender loving care

Past members have returned and welcomed back into the fold

Embrace them we must, they are more precious than gold

Lets go forward in thanksgiving and praise

Serving our Lord Jesus, the rest of our days.

A Dream Fulfilled

By: Kerry-Ann Stewart

Sunday, February 21, 2010

When a dream is fulfilled,

It blossoms like an enchanted rose that never wilts.

Its beauty is reflected through the hands of an architect,

Like his creations it stands towering, dominant, and erect.

And in the face of opposition,

It stands positioned,

Not letting any obstacle subvert its mission,

Or decision, to give every individual a sense of joy, hope, and prosperity.

For a dream is fulfilled, when it becomes part of our will,

To be the best we can be physically, mentally, and spiritually.

So how does a dream become fulfilled instead of deferred?

It becomes fulfilled when it is taken to the Lord in prayer.

For in Matthew, Jesus already told us that,

“If you believe you will receive whatever you ask in prayer” (Matthew 21: 22).

“Every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17),

Because the Lord sends down His love and peace in the form of a dove.

With God the impossible becomes possible, and the unseen seen,

All you have to do is accept Him in every aspect of your being.

And in return He will make your dreams a reality,

Not only to last for today or tomorrow, but for all eternity.

So “Let us not become weary in doing good,

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9),

All we have to do is lean on the Lord whom we trust.

And our dreams will shine as bright as a star,

For us to remember just how great Thou are.


Welcome to the Bible
by Vicki K. Black and Peter W. Wenner

This book invites newcomers into a deeper engagement with Scripture. Many new Anglicans may be nervous about opening the Bible, which can seem foreign or irrelevant; others simply don't know how to begin. One of the often overlooked gifts of the Anglican church is that the texts and doctrines of the Bible are embedded in our prayers, liturgies, and creeds. Thus, Anglicans tend to know better than they realize - they just don't know chapter and verse. Making that knowledge explicit and placing it in context can help to overcome the 'disconnect' many Anglicans feel with the Bible, and can open the way for further and more in-depth study.