Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sunday, May 30, 2010: Trinity Sunday
First Reading: Proverbs (8:1-4, 22-31)
Psalm 8, page 592, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (Romans 5:1-5)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John (16-12-15)

Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Hebrews 3:1-6; Tuesday Matthew 13:53-58; Wednesday Matthew 14:1-12; Thursday Matthew 14:13-21; Friday Matthew 14:22-36; Saturday Matthew 15:1-20.

Sunday, May 23, 2010: Day of Pentecost
First Reading: Acts (2:1-21)
Psalm 104:25-35,37, page 736, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (Romans 8:14-17)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John (14:8-17)

Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Matthew 12:22-32; Tuesday Matthew 12:33-42; Wednesday Matthew 12:43-50; Thursday Matthew 13:24-30; Friday Matthew 13:31-35; Saturday Matthew 13:36-43.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
First Reading: Acts (16:16-34)
Psalm 97, page 726, BCP
Epistle: Revelation (22:12-14, 16-17-20-21)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord according to John (17:20-26)

Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Matthew 8:5-17; Tuesday Matthew 8:18-27; Wednesday Matthew 8:28-34; Thursday Matthew 9:1-8; Friday Matthew 9:9-17; Saturday Matthew 9:18-26)

Sunday, May 9, 2010
First Reading: Acts (16:9-15)
Psalm 67, page 675, BCP
Epistle: Revelation (21:10, 22-25:5)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John (14:23-29)

Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Matthew 13:1-16; Tuesday Matthew 13:18-23; Wednesday Matthew 22:41-46; Thursday Matthew 28:16-20; Friday Matthew 7:22-27; Saturday Matthew 7:28-8:4.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
8:00 a.m. Service: Officiated by Fr. Geoffrey Ward
10:30 a.m. Service: Officiated by Bishop Coleridge

First Reading: Acts (11:1-18)
Psalm 148, page 805, BCP
Epistle: Revelation (21:1-6)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John (13:31-35)

Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Matthew 6:1-6, 18-18; Tuesday Matthew 6:7-15; Wednesday Matthew 6:19-24; Thursday Matthew 6:25-34; Friday Matthew 7:1-12; Saturday Matthew 7:13-21.

Your comments and Contributions
Your comments and contributions are important. Please let us hear from you.
1. Send your emails to:
2. Comments can be made on the blog.
3. See me (Floyd Wyche) in church. I attend 8:00 a.m. service

Pastoral Care
We are always grateful to members who visit on behalf of our Church. Please note a few things:

a) Before you visit on behalf of the Church you must attend Safe Church Training. Once you have attended you must give a copy of your certificate to the Rector.

b) You must always notify the Parish Office or the Rector when you plan to visit and you must give a report of your visit when it is completed.

c) Confidentiality is extremely important.

Friendly Reminder: Food Pantry & Saturday Feeding
This is a friendly reminder that the food and supplies in the Food Pantry storage area are for the Food Pantry and Saturday feeding use only. We have signed a contract with Food Share stating that we will only use these items for the Food Pantry and Saturday Feeding. All organizations are reminded to purchase their food and supplies. Plan ahead to insure that you will have what is needed for your activity. Please do not ask anyone with a key to open the Food Pantry. They are are not authorized to do so. Thank you for your cooperation.

Horace V. Davis Scholarship
The Horace V. Davidson Scholarship committee is asking each parishioner to contribute to the Scholarship Fund. the annual Horace V. Davidson scholarship applications are now available. The are two scholarships, one for first time applicants and the other for continuing students.The deadline for first time applicants is Saturday, May 15, 2010. The deadline for continuing students is Tuesday, June 1, 2010. All applications must be complete. Both applications are available from the Narthex and should returned to the church office. We thank you for your continued support of the young people of our parish.

St. Monica's Elderly Housing Board
There is one vacancy on the St. Monica's Elderly Housing Board. If anyone is interested in filling this position please contact either Winsome Barnaby or Jeannette Walker. Please send resumes to Mrs. Cisalee Harrell at St. Monica's Housing Apartments, 3545 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06020.

St. Monica's Day
We celebrated St. Monica's Day on Sunday May 9, 2010; this was also our Gift Day. Adult members were asked to give $106 to celebrate our 106th year of ministry and witness in Hartford. Parents were encouraged to have their children give multiples of 106, for example $1.06, $2.12, etc.

Bishop Ian Douglas
On Wednesday, May 12, 2010 our newly consecrated Bishop Ian Douglas visited St. Monica's. He spoke about the Anglican Communion and Mission. The service began at 6:30 p.m.

YPF Herbs Sale
The YPF will be selling mini herbs gardens on Sunday, May 23rd and Sunday May 30th. The Gardens are $25.00 each. The profit from this fundraiser goes towards the YPF upcoming trip to South Carolina. You can enjoy fresh herbs all summer. Thanks for your support.

Praise and Worship Service
The Praise and Worship Service scheduled for Friday, May 14, 2010 has been rescheduled. It will be held Friday, June 25, 2010 at 7 p.m. The evening will feature guest choirs and a message fro Rev. cynthia Williams. Please come and join in our 106th anniversary celebration.

St. Stephen's Red Carpet Gala
St. Stephen's Red Carpet gala will be held on Friday, May 28, 2010 from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
The location is at Birch Meadows, Bloomfield, Connecticut. Tickets cost $65.00 per person. Please see either Olive James or Pat Nelsons for more information.

Anglican Prayer Bead Workshop
The Frances Willis Cornwall Chapter and the Naomi Junior Chapter of the Daughters of the King will sponsor an Anglican Prayer Bead Workshop. The workshop will be held Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the Diocesan House from 8:30 a.m to 3:00 p.m. The $20.00 registration fee will cover a continental breakfast, lunch, prayer beads and workshop materials. Holy Eucharist and the Blessing of the Beads will follow the workshop. For more information and to register see either Jackie Noel or Agnes Macbeth. The workshop is open to all members of St. Monica's. Please RSVP for the event.

Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy birthday: May 3rd Gregory Dupuy; May 5th Kathleen Register; May 7th Gregory Hurtle; May 9th Andre Barnaby; May 10th Patricia Bell; May 11th Kaya Waltin; May 13th Nancy Bailey; May 17th Percy Nelson; My 18th Lurlene Williams; May 19th Lloyd Wimbish; May 20th Glendolwyn Hall and Ann Johnson; May 27th Olive James and Marvin Jones; May 29th Elijah Elliott; May 31st Terry Brown, Sonia Dupuy, and Beverly Watkins; June 5th Norest Walters; June 6th Audrey Powell,
Happy anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Winston Barnaby; Norma Brown 20th; Verna Ferguson 20th

We record the death of Charles Satchell and we extend our Christian sympathy to his wife and relatives. We also extend our deepest Christian sympathy to Mr. Herbert Bowen on the death of his wife Mercelyn Bowen.

I Wonder Why?

This column answers interesting questions.

Ever wonder why incense are sometimes used during the service?

"Styles change, and what once seemed dangerously 'Roman' now may seem dangerously 'New Age.' But incense has an ancient heritage and is one of the most biblical additions to worship. In the Old Testament there are dozens of references to the use of incense, and several in the New Testament. The prophet Malachi, for example, quotes God as commending the Gentiles for honoring God with incense (1:11) while the New Testament tells us that the Magi brought incense as a gift for the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:11) and that the prayers of the saints in heaven rise like incense (Revelation 5:8, 8:3)."

Welcome To Sunday: An Introduction to Worship in the Episcopal Church, p. 37 by Christopher L. Webber.

Sarah (Book One of the Canaan Trilogy)
by Marek Halter

I really enjoyed this novel - It's not only entertaining as an afternoon read, it gives the reader a lot to think about without being didactic. This is a very well written book that takes a look at the life and times of an influential woman, without ever losing sight of her essential humanity and the beauty of her spirit. Sarah's constant wrangling with God's will and with whether or not to believe in an invisible God speaks a great deal to what all of us deal with in our own lives, even if we don't go to church or synagogue regularly. It's also a terrific love story between a very intelligent mystical, headstrong man, Abraham and his bold, intelligent, practical wife, Sarah. I am glad to see a book that celebrates the love a man can have for a woman who is not only beautiful, but who challenged his world views and acts as a total partner with him in his journey to find God. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good novel, especially a historical one.

Review by an anonymous reader