Monday, October 4, 2010


Sunday, October 31, 2010: Twenty-third Sunday After Pentecost
First Reading: Habakkuk (1:1-4)
Psalm 119:137-144, page 774 BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (19:1-10)
Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Hebrews 11:32-12:2; Tuesday Luke 13:1-9; Wednesday Luke 13:10-17; Thursday Luke 13:18-30; Friday Luke 13:31-35; Saturday Luke 14:1-11.

Sunday, October 24, 2010: A Public Service of Healing
First Reading: Joel (2:23-32)
Psalm 65, page 672, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (18:9-14).
Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Luke 11:14-26; Tuesday Luke 11:27-36; Wednesday Luke 11:37-52; Thursday Luke 11:53-12:12; Friday Luke 12:13-31; Saturday Luke 12:32-48.

Sunday, October 17, 2010:Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost
First Reading: Jeremiah (31:27-34)
Psalm 119:97-104, page 771, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (18:1-8)
Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Luke 1:1-4; Tuesday Luke 10:1-16; Wednesday Luke 10:17-24; Thursday Luke 10:25-37; Friday Luke 10:38-42; Saturday Matthew 10:16-22.

Sunday, October 10, 2010: Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
First Reading: Jeremiah (29:1, 4-7)
Psalm 66:1-11, page 673, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (2 Timothy 2:8-15)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (17:11-19)
Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Luke 8:26-39; Tuesday Luke 8:40-56; Wednesday Luke 9:1-17; Thursday Luke 9:18-27; Friday Luke 9:28-36; Saturday Luke 9:37-50.

Sunday, October 3, 2010: Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
First Reading: Lamentations (1:1-6)
Psalm 137, page 792, BCP
Epistle: Paul's Letter (2 Timothy 1:1-14)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (17:5-10)
Suggested Readings for the Week
Monday Luke 6:39-49; Tuesday Luke 7:1-17; Wednesday Luke 7:18:35; Thursday Luke 7:36-50; Friday Luke 8:1-5; Saturday Luke 8:16-25.


Thought for the Month
October is Stewardship Month. Our theme is Catch the Spirit: Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Unity. Our commitment Sunday , when we will promise God our time, Talents and Monday, is October 31, 2010. We ask you to pray for a spirit filled Stewardship Month.

Pies for Thanksgiving
The Young People's Fellowship (YPF) will make and sell pies for Thanksgiving. Orders can be placed with any member of YPF beginning October 24, 2010. Pies will be delivered on Sunday, November 21, 2010. Please see either Marie Brown-Harvey or April Elliot for further information.

From the Desk of the Rector
Fr. Davidson was chosen by Virginia Theological Seminary to be a mentor to newly ordained priest in the Episcopal Church. He attended the training session from Sunday, October 17-19 in Baltimore, Maryland. he thanked you for your prayers.

1. Alarm clocks. Families in the homeless shelters are in need of alarm clocks. Please donate alarm clocks between October 3-November 7th. For more information contact either Patricia Nelson or Susan Davis.

2. Food Pantry. We always need non-perishable food to provide healthy meals for the families who come to our food pantry. Please bring food or money to the alter every Sunday for the pantry. the following are weekly suggestions:
October 3rd cereals
October 10th peanut butter and jelly
October 17th 100% fruit juice
October 24th canned spaghetti with meatballs, ravioli, beef stew and tuna
October 31st soups

3. Underwear. We are collecting underwear for the homeless. Carol Anderson and others are responsible. we will give them away on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 21st.

Synfoni Green
Synfoni Green successfully completed the Architectural Registration Examination. Congratulations Synfoni; we are proud of you.

Andre Krausz
Our prayers and best wishes go to Andre Krausz, son of Richard Krausz, who will soon be deployed to service his country.

Diocesan Convention
The 226th Annual Diocesan Convention was held Friday, October 22, and Saturday 23, 2010. Business included election of Diocesan Standing Committee (on lay, one clerical member); 2012 General Convention (four lay, four clerical deputies , and up to four alternates each other); and One Synod (one lay, one clerical deputy). Walter Benjamin and Joe Noel represented our church along with Fr. Davidson.

Veterans Day
On Sunday, November 14, 2010, St. Monica's will observe Veteran Day at both services. To have your name or that of a loved one listed among the veterans and those currently serving, please contact Evelyn Green. Remember to provide the person's name, branch of service and war/conflict.

Birthdays and Anniversaries in October

Happy birthday to: Synfoni Green 2nd; Angela Chambers and Trevor Wilson 4th; Beverly Haughton-Watson 5th; Nicholas Harvey 6th; Susan Davis and Carol Harris 7th; Immauni James 8th; Elijah Henriques 10th; florence Burke 11th; Parron Duncan 16th; Eddie Davis, Jason Harvey and Neville Rodway 18th; Andrea Anderson 22nd; Charles Palmer 24th; Beverly Forrester, Jordan Taylor and Kathleen King 25th; Monet Warren 28; Edrick Hall 30th    


Anniversary to: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Faucher 3rd; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Nelson.

We extend our Christian sympathy to Mary Pinnock and family on the death of her sister. May she rest in peace.


Wonder Why?
This column answers interesting questions.

A visitor, who is not an Episcopalian, may see words and abbreviations in the bulletin that are not familiar. The visitor may think:

I wonder what they mean?

1. BCP: Book of Common Prayer - The primary guide to worship in the Episcopal Church. The first Anglican Book of Common Prayer was written in English in 1549 by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, drawing on material from a number of Latin books and manuals then used to conduct services.
2. Diocese: A diocese is made up of several local congregations with a bishop as its chief pastor.
3. ECW: Episcopal Church Women - Their purpose is to be religious benevolent in serving others through the Christian community, the greater community, and to the world.
4. LEM: Lay Eucharistic Minister - They provide a sacramental ministry in the context of our worship by administering the wine at Holy Communion.
5. Mission: A local Episcopal congregation that is not able to be financially self-supporting.
6. Parish: The group of people of a certain area who are organized into a local, self-supporting church.
7. Rector: The head priest of a parish.
8. UEB: Union of Black Episcopalians - These Episcopalians fight racism by encouraging the involvement of Black people in the total life of the church on every level and in every way.
9. Vicar: A priest in charge of a mission.
10. YPF: Young People's Fellowship: A ministry designed for the youth of the parish. Various activities ranging from fun to community service, lie at the heart of the group. It is open to all young people and serves as a means to foster a spiritual connection to god and to fellow youth in the parish and in the diocese.

Feeding Outreach
Members of the congregation volunteer for the Food Pantry and Outreach Community Feeding programs. On Wednesday and Fridays, food is distributed to approximately 100 community residents who are in need. In addition to the Food Pantry, hot meals are served in the Parish Hall on the 3rd and 4th Saturdays each month. Some meals are served at the church. However, the bulk of the meals are prepared at the church and delivered to two shelters, Mercy House and Interval House on the 3rd and 4th Saturdays. St Monica's Outreach Community Feeding has been in existence for approximately 20 years. Most of the food for both programs is secured from "Foodshare," a federally funded food distribution program. In order to participate in "Foodshare," members of the congregation walk in or sponsor someone for the Annual Walk Against Hunger. A percentage of funds is allocated to St. Monica's for its 'OUTREACH" programs. in 2010, St. Monica's parishioners raised approximately $8,600. Each year the goal is to raise more money the the previous year.

The Rev. Charles Davidson

Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Terry Brown (Treasurer), Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), Nora Brown, Arlette Hurdle, Shannon Holder, Joyce Asiedu, Bates Lyons, Joe Noel, Peter Marsele, Clarence Tuning, Lloyd Wimbish, Herbert Bowen (Hon.).

Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist

Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke



World Without End
by Ken Follett

The Pillars of the Earth has been one of my all-time favorite books, and so I was a little skeptical about how good its sequel could be. My concern was totally unnecessary. World Without End, which takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge almost 200 years later and has the cathedral as its backdrop, is an excellent book and I expect that in time it will also be considered a to be a masterpiece. Not having read The Pillars of the Earth will not deter you in any way from enjoying World Without End, as other than the common thread mentioned above, it reads like a stand-alone. Follett packs it all in this 1,024 page book- love, greed, pride, ambition and revenge.
Review by bobbewig