Spiritual Exercise During Advent
Members of the congregation are asked to pick a name from the container that is provided and pray for that person during the season of Advent. Feel free at Christmas to let the person know you have been praying for them.
Missionary Outreach to Haiti
The need for pure water is extremely important in Haiti. A gallon of water cost $1. Members are ask to pick any dollar amount from our Missionary Tree. Please put your cash or check in an envelope marked "Clean Water" and place it in the collection plate. We hope this will be an ongoing missionary outreach to the Episcopal Church in Haiti which ministers to handicapped children. We will share more on this ministry.
Pies for Thanksgiving
The Young People's Fellowship (YPF) made and sold pies for Thanksgiving. Orders were placed with any member of YPF. Pies were delivered on Sunday, November 21, 2010. Marie Brown-Harvey and April Elliot were contact liaisons.
Celebrating Thanksgiving
On Sunday November 21, 2010 we celebrated Thanksgiving with a luncheon that followed the 9:30 a.m. service. The luncheon began at approximately 11:30 a.m. Information about the luncheon was provided by Marcia Anderson-Esson, Edwina Tuning, Barbara Lindo, Marva Brito Cynthia Timoll, Wendella Batty, Raymond Brown or Joanne Silva. To all of our members who contributed to the luncheon we say many, many thanks.
Congratulations to Walter Benjamin, our Senior Warden. He was elected to the second highest office in his lodge at its worldwide meeting. Mr. Benjamin is the first Guyanese and New Englander to be elected to so high an office.
1. Food Pantry. We always need nonperishable food to provide healthy meals for the families who come to our food pantry. Please bring food or money to the alter every Sunday for the pantry. The following are weekly suggestion:
November 7th hot cereal
November 14th mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese
November 21st canned fruit
November 28th canned vegetables
2. Underwear. We collected underwear for the homeless. We gave them away Sunday, November 21, 2010, Thanksgiving Sunday. Carol Anderson and others coordinated the effort.
Birthdays and Anniversaries in November
Happy Birthday to Darryl Burke, Florence Mursell and Myrtle Senior 1st; Cyril Burke and Patricia Nelson 3rd; Evelyn Green 4th; Herbert Bowen and Carmen Brown 5th; Thornton Scott 9th; Marcus Clark 11th; Rory Elliott and Lucy Fuentes 13th; Denzil Sumada 14th; Hylton Cooke 15th; Patricia Hurdle 17th; George Jordan 19th; Bates Lyons 20th; Carol Anderson 24th; Blondell Thornton 25th; Andrea Branch 26th; Austin Tagbo 27th; Verona Francis and Kenneth Lambert 29th.
We extend our sincere Christian sympathy to all our members who recently lost a love one and to the family of Mary Baisden. We extend to the Hurdle family and friends our deepest Christian sympathy on the death of a love one. May their love one rest in peace.
Annual Bus Ride
Saint Monica's Annual Bus Ride will be Monday December 20, 2010. We will visit a few Hartford schools to share Christmas cheer. Each member is asked to fill a christmas basket/box with food items worth about $60. there will be more information in the coming weeks.
Senior Luncheon
The Senior Luncheon will be on Saturday, December 11, 2010 in the Parish Hall. It is scheduled from 12 noon to 3 p.m. RSVP by Tuesday, November 30, 2010 to either Mrs. Joyce Taylor or Mrs. Cynthia Timoll. Indicate whether you would like chicken or fish.