Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012: Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
First Lesson: 1 Samuel (17:32-49)
Psalm 9:9-20, Page 593, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Mark (4:35-41)
Suggested Readings For The Week
Monday John 3:22-30; Tuesday Matthew 19:23-30; Wednesday Matthew 20:1-16; Thursday Matthew 20:17-28; Friday Acts 11:1-18; Saturday Matthew 21:1-11.

Sunday, June 17, 2012: Third Sunday After Pentecost: Fathers Day
First Lesson: 1 Samuel (15:34-16; 1-13)
Psalm 20, Page 793, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Mark (4:26-34)
Suggested Readings For The Week
Monday Matthew 17:14-21; Tuesday Matthew 17:22-27; Wednesday Matthew 18:1-9; Thursday Matthew 18:10-20; Friday Matthew 18:21-35; Saturday Matthew 19:1-12.

Sunday, June 10, 2012: Second Sunday After Pentecost-Graduation Sunday
First Lesson: 1 Samuel (8:4-11, 16-20)
Psalm 138, Page 793, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Mark (3:20-35)
Suggested Readings For The Week
Monday Acts 4:32-37; Tuesday Matthew 15:29-39; Wednesday Matthew 16:1-12; Thursday Matthew 16:13-20; Friday Matthew 16:21-28; Saturday Matthew 17:1-13.

Sunday, June 3, 2012: First Sunday After Pentecost-Trinity Sunday
First Lesson: Isaiah (6:1-8)
Psalm 29, Page 620, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Romans 8:12-17)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To John (3:1-17)
Suggested Readings For The Week
Monday Monday Matthew 13:44-52; Tuesday Matthew 13:53-58; Wednesday Matthew 14:1-12; Thursday Matthew 14:13-21; Friday Matthew 14:22-36; Saturday Matthew 15:1-20.

From The Desk Of The Rector
Thank you to the vestry and congregation for allowing me to do my continuing education. It was a refreshing time of reminding ourselves of our ministry as ordain clergy and the effectiveness and relevancy in 2012 and beyond. It was obvious to us that we have the same old issues as well as issues that confront us today that we must seek the guidance of God in understanding and interpreting for our congregations.

Directions To St. Monica's
For driving directions to St. Monica's, 3575 Main Street, Hartford CLICK HERE

Daughters Of The King
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 the Daughters of the King admitted Elaine Stewart, Donna Ricketts and Maggie Alton-Claude at the 10:30 a.m. service. The main mission of the Daughters is to pray for their church and clergy on a regular basis. We thank them for their ministry.

Fathers Day
We extend to all our fathers our best wishes and pray that they will enjoy good health and continue to be good role models to their children. We thank God for our men here at St. Monica's.

Graduating Members And Friends
We congratulate all of our graduating members and friends.
1. Amanda Banks graduated from Boston University with a BA in International Relations.
2. Julie-Ann Williams will enter Sage Park Middle School.
3. Taylor Jordan-Blue will enter Northwest Catholic High School.
4. Cotdell Tuning will enter University High School.
5. Cameron Jones will enter Windsor HIgh School.
6. Raven Reaves-Jackson will enter Classical Magnet High School.
7. Courtney Samuda will enter Capitol Community College.

Lost Items
Some members have lost personal items over the last three weeks. If you see something lying around please put it in the Rector's box.

Feast of St. Barnabas
We celebrate the Feast of St. Barnabas on Monday, June 11th. St. Barnabas is an encourager. We read of him first in Acts 4:36-37 when he sells his property and gives the proceeds to the young Christian Church so that all of its members had all things in common. We hear of him again when he introduced Paul to the Disciples and then again when he and Paul journey together on missionary journeys. Let us work on becoming encouragers to each other in the days ahead.

Sharing Articles
Have you recently read an articles that you would like to share? If so, please send it to the Rector via email no later than Wednesday afternoon.

Matthew Gamble In Concert
Matthew Gamble will be in concert Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. A native of St. Paul Minnesota, Matthew began his formal studies at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Shortly thereafter he relocated to Prague, Czech Republic where within a short time he made his professional debut in the title role of Don Giovanni. He is currently a Resident Artist with the Connecticut Lyric Opera.

Food Pantry
Please continue to donate to the Ruth Small Food Pantry. Suggested items are canned or instant potatoes, canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken(, canned sweet potatoes, soup, peanut butter,jelly and individual fruit cups. Thank you for your continued support.

Maureen Evans and Exercise
Do you want to exercise but think it is boring and you do not know how to start? Now is the time! Maureen evens will begin her next six-week session on Monday, June 4, 2012 in the Parish Hall. Classes are on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Friday. Contact Maureen for more information.

Rescheduling Meetings
Fr. Davidson needs our cooperation if we wish to reschedule a meeting on Monday or Wednesday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Fr. Davidson schedules interviews and pastoral counseling either before or after Prayer Meetings on Monday. He may also schedule interviews and pastoral counseling on Wednesday. He schedules events when there is no Bible Study. As a courtesy, please call Fr. Davidson to verify if he has anything schedule.

Activity Calendar
Weekly: 1) Mondays-Prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m. 2)Wednesday-Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.

Special Days (Weekly): 1) Wednesdays and Fridays-Food Pantry opens 10:00 a.m. to noon.
2) Every other thursday-Pro's and Con's task Force at 6:30 p.m.

Special Says (Monthly): First Thursday-Stewardship committee at 6:30 p.m. 2) Second Thursday-Vestry Meeting 6:30 p.m. 3) Third Tuesday- Women of Valier 4) Third and fourth Saturday opens at 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. 5) First Saturday-Episcopal Church women (ECW) at 12:00 noon.

Birthdays And Anniversaries in June
Happy Birthday to: Norest Walters 5th; Audrey Powell 6th; Tiffany Ricketts; Winston Linton, Jeremy Ifill and Samuel Clark 10th; Deborah Simmons 13th; Malik Walker 15th; Lewis Timoll 16; George Scott 17; Isaiah Gilmore 19th; Brian Lightfoot 21st; Bridjette Neals 24th; Brandy Neals 24th; Fred Binion 25th; Rubye McAlpine 27th; Cicero Tilley 28th; Eleanor Nelson 29th.

We record the death of Janice Binion, president of St. Monica's Episcopal Church Women. Mrs. Binion, the wife of Fred Binion died Sunday, May 20, 2012. Our prayers go with her husband, her mother Johnsie Walker, her sister Jeanette and all other family members. May she rest in peace.

We extend our sincere Christian sympathy to Jean Ulette and other relatives as they mourn the death of their aunt who died in Jamaica. May she rest in peace.

In Memory for June
In Memory of: Coleridge Jones 4h; Leonora Rogers 6th; Mary Russell, Alfranso Davis, Susan Scott and Hugh Bennett 8th; Delwyn Wakins and Leroy Zeigler 12th; Ella Smith 13th; Gwendolyn Sangster 14th; Maelie Smith, Marie King and William Peters 15th; Lillian Peters 16th; Cora Jasper, Aston Archer, Edman Wiltshire and Pearl Mitchell 20th; Mandred Henry 21st; Richard Wilson 22nd; Laura Carter 24th; Benjamin Parker 25th; Bissina Taylor 24th; Carrie Sales 25th; Jess Atkins, Jr. 27th; Gwen Davidson 29th; Noel Earle 30th.


I Wonder
This is an occasional column that answers interesting questions.

What are the Holocaust Torahs?
Early in February 1964, in the nineteenth year after the last German troops had surrendered in Prague, there arrived in London 1,564 Torah scrolls representing hundreds of Jewish communities in Bohemia and Monrovia that had been wiped out in the Holocaust. For many years, the scrolls had lain unused and unattended in a Prague synagogue that had been used as a warehouse. Then they traveled across Europe and arrived at the Westminster Synagogue in London on February 7, 1964. From there, over the years that have passed since, they have been sent out to Jewish communities in Great Britain and twenty other countries in the Western world, including West Germany, to be cherished as memorials to a tragic past but at the same time to be read and studied by a new generation of Jews, the guarantors of Jewish survival and rebirth.

Note: This is an excerpt from: The Story Of the Jewish Torahs of Czechoslovakia appeared in Volume III of the book The Jews of Czechoslovakia Historical Studies and Surveys by Joseph C. Pick pp.584-610.

To read more of the excerpt CLICK HERE

Are there any of these Torahs in Connecticut?

Yes. The Gishrei Shalom Jewish Congregation in Southington recently became "shomrim" or guardian of a Torah written in 1780. The congregation, as guardian, does not own the scroll. Instead 0f displaying it like a museum artifact, Rabbi Shelly Becker has decided to use it just as the congregation would use any other Torah. She understands why congregations might store a scroll of historic value, but she feels it needs to be used. "I made a point of asking my congregations why I thought it was important not to put it in a case," Becker said. "That's what the Nazis wanted. (The scroll) is going to sit in our ark with the normal scrolls."

Note: This is an excerpt from The Record-Journal. To read the entire article CLICK HERE

The Rev. Charles Davidson

Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Veronica Airey-Wilson, Joyce Asiedu, Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Nora Brown, , Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), Patricia David, Evelyn Green, David Hickmon, Shannon Holder, Bates Lyons, Joe Noel, Peter Marsele, Terrie Thomas.

Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist

Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke


The Woman In White
By Wilkie Collins

I read this book in one day, a day where no classes were attended, no phone calls were taken, and no visits made. I cooked and ate my food with it in hand, and sometimes damned my inability to read faster, I was so eager to find out what was going to happen next.

The Woman In White is not just one of the most engaging and gripping Victorian novels I have ever read, it is one of the most engaging and gripping novels of all times. Collins creates vivid, memorable characters (ranging from brae intelligent Marian to the surprising and sinister Count Fosco) who are engage in a plot that twists and turns like nothing else. There are so many unexpected, even shocking incidents, and Collins moves between them with exactly precise yet graceful and beautiful prose. Not only that, his narrative style, which moves from character to character, allows for fantastic comic interludes which break up the drama (the chapter from the point of view of the hypochondriac uncle is gut-busting funny).

A couple of people I know, who are generally not fond of 19th century literature, love this book. I have never met someone who has not been charmed by it. I strongly urge anyone and everyone to read it.
Review by Michael B. Collins