Monday, March 31, 2014


Sunday, March 30, 2014: Fourth Sunday In Lent
First Lesson: 1 Samuel (16:1-13)
Psalm 23, Page 612, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Ephesians (5:8-14)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To John (9:1-41)

Sunday, March 23, 2014: Third Sunday In Lent
First Lesson: Exodus (17:1-7)
Psalm 95, Page 724, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Roman 5:1-11)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To John (4:5-42)
Sunday, March 16, 2014: Second Sunday In Lent
First Lesson: Genesis (12:1-4a; 3:1-7)
Psalm 121, Page 624, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Romans 4:1-5)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To John (3:1-17)
Sunday, March 9, 2014: First Sunday In Lent
First Lesson: Genesis (2:15-17; 3:1-7)
Psalm 32, Page 624, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Romans 5:12-19)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (4:1-11)
Sunday, March 2, 2014: Last Sunday After The Epiphany
First Lesson: Exodus (24:12-18)
Psalm 2, Page 586, BCP
Peter's Epistle: (1:16-21)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (17:1-9)
Suggested Readings For The Week
Monday: Phil. 2:1-13; Tuesday:  Phil. 3:1-11; Wednesday Heb. 12:1-14; Thursday  Phil. 3:12-21; Friday Phil. 4:1-9; Saturday Phil. 4:10-20.


St. Monica's Website
To visit St. Monica's website CLICK HERE.
Directions To St. Monica's
For driving directions to St. Monica's, 3575 Main Street, Hartford CLICK HERE
Food Pantry
Everyone please bring a nonperishable food item to continue our weekly support helping those in need. Suggested items but not limited to the following: canned or instant potatoes, canned (tuna, chicken, and salmon), peanut butter, jelly, cereal, juice, canned fruit and vegetables. For your convenience, envelopes labeled "Food Pantry" are available in the Narthex.
Lenten Study
The book chosen for the Lenten season is Not A Fan: Become A Completely Committed Follower Of Jesus by Kyle IdlemanThe used copies cost $4.46new copies cost $8.90. 
Birthdays And Anniversaries In March
Happy Birthday to: Richard Krausz 1st; David Hickmon and Denzil Ricketts 3rd; Shannon Holder 5th; Edwina Tuning 6th; Robert Rose 9th; Arlette Hurley 11th; Cyrus Aimey 13th; Camille Lawrence 14th; Brandon Hall and Travis Samuda 15th; Dee Flowers, Cherone Levy, Chantell Russell, Elroy Toppin and Johnsie Walker 16th; Jackie Noel  and Victoria Mitchell 18th; Mavis Blackwood 19th; Alto Esson, Everton Stewart Tameka Wright 21st; William Dennis 24th; Cynthia Paddyfote, Kaye Paddyfote and Cheryl Thomas 25th; Phillip Hanson and Gloria burke 26th; Barbara Reid and Oswald Smith 27th; Gilda Sheperd 29th; Mary Reid and Walter Benjamin 30th.  
Happy Anniversary to: Marvin and Joan Jones 17th
In Memory For March

In Memory of: Richard Ford and Cynthia Craig 1st; Miles Whaley 2nd; Lucy Stewart 3rd; Lawton Holmester and Dorothy Perry 5th; Irma Lyons 6th; Dorothy Wakefield, Mildred Jerkins and Katherine Lyons 7th; John Hoffman and Cora Williams 8th; Harold Cunningham and Kenneth Levy 9th; Winniefred McBean 10th; Marion Mobley, and Nelson Percy 11th; Trudie Lawson and Dorothy Woodson 15th; Nellie Smith and Ella Gamble 16th; Ronald Stevenson, Vernon Campbell, and Lillian Wood 18th; Fellie M. Caniger 19th; Rita Littman 20th; Connie Hickmon, Miriam White and Albert Maule 22nd; Edith Gaines and Elizabeth Marvis 23rd; Jessie Maule, Harold Bostie, Norbert Featherstone, Florence Robinson and Zepharia Brown 25th; Oswald Knight and Daniel Damiano III 26th, Mary Leckey 27th; Obed Pinnock and Robin Jones 28th; Vivian McKoy and Denise McCurrie 29th; Lawrence Smith 30th; Doriel Feurtado 31st.
Rescheduling Meetings
Fr. Davidson needs our cooperation if we wish to reschedule a meeting on Monday or Wednesday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. As a courtesy, please call Fr. Davidson to verify if he has anything schedule.
The Rev. Charles Davidson
Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Veronica Airey-Wilson, Joyce Asiedu, Winston Barnaby, Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), April Carter, Evelyn Green, David Hickmon, A. Bates Lyons, Joseph Noel, Evelyn Stewart, Terrie Thomas.
Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist
Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke

The period before Easter has gradually taken on the same character for all Christians. It has become a time for renewed commitment and self-discipline. As a part of of that Self-discipline, christians abstain from certain foods and luxuries to help them remember how much Christ gave up for us. They also devote themselves more fully to prayer and charity. 

Often a heaviness and g;
loom seems to hang over Lent, but is should not like that. The word Lent itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for spring, the time when the days lengthen. As we approach the spring equinox and Easter day, our lives should be filled with light as we come closer to Christ's light.

Some of the Sundays in Lent have taken on a special character because of the readings assigned to them. The second Sunday in Lent, for example is "Abraham Sunday" because the Old testament reading that day always speaks of Abraham. In the same way, the fourth Sunday in Lent is sometimes celebrated as "Mothering Sunday." The readings used on that day Sunday until the 1979 Prayer Book spoke of "Jerusalem...the mother os us all." In medieval England, apprentices were given time off on that Sunday to go home to visit their mothers.
Source: Christopher L. Webber, Welcome to Sunday (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing 2003) pp. 49, 50.


Killing Jesus
By Bill O"Reilly and Martin Dugard

As a Christian, I struggled with whether I should read this book or just stay away from it. Because of a deep interest of history in general I decided to 'give it a shot.' I was not disappointed. This work is filled with historical accounts of the geographical, political and human events that were going on at the time. You must understand that the author clearly states that this was not a 'religious book, rather an 'historical' work. I was never offended by the way Christ and his followers were portrayed. In fact, I believe this book can actually draw Christians back to the Bible as they consider aspects and statements found within. As with any study of history on must rely upon the research and intellect of the writer. It seems to me the 'homework' was done. This book must be approached with an open mind as any historical reading should be. We must be careful not to isolate ourselves from reading books such as these. My 'Heart for Christ' was in no way compromised, nor was my belief in the Bible.
Reviewed by Raymond H. Mullen