Saturday, July 3, 2010


Thought For The Week
1 Peter 5:8 Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Let us not become agents of sharing misinformation but let us truly listen to each other and share that which is edifying and good for the building up of the church. Paul Romans 14:19, 1 Corinthians 14:26 Let all things be done for building up.

Father Davidson
Father Davidson will be away next Sunday, August 1,2010. Father Tom Beck will celebrate both services.

Laurie Sealy's Estate
We received a check for $2,388.38 from the estate of Laurie Sealy.

Your Comments and Contributions
Your comments and contributions are important. Please let us hear from you.
1. Send your emails to:
2. Comments can be made on the blog.
3. See me (Floyd Wyche) in church. I attend the 8:00 a.m. service.

Entering Worship Space
Members are reminded that they can enter the worship space only during the singing of a hymn once the liturgy is in progress. The Bulletin has the notation You may enter, which is a friendly reminder of the appropriate times to enter once the liturgy is in progress.

A Reminder of the Rector's Schedule
The Rector is in office on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday is set aside for meetings in the Diocese or with other individuals. Thursday is set aside to visit the sick and shut-in, those in hospitals and nursing homes. His Sabbath Day/Day Off is Friday. On Saturday he works from home and uses the day to prepare for Sunday worship. The Rector is always available by appointment except on his Sabbath and Sunday.

Summer Schedule
The times of our Sunday services will remain the same throughout the summer. The format of our services will change to Morning Prayer and Eucharist beginning Sunday, July 11, 2010 and will continue until the last Sunday in August (August 29, 2010). Some members of our congregation will be asked to lead Morning Prayer during this time. Our Canons now allow us to appoint Worship Leaders who are not ordained. Of course our rubrics have always stated that in the absence of an ordained person to lead worship 'all that is appointed through the Prayers of the People, except the blessing may be said by a Lay Reader'; Worship leaders have replaced Lay readers. For more information please see pages 406-407, BCP.

The Annual Parish Picnic
The Annual Church Picnic was held Sunday, July 11, 2010, starting at 2:00 p.m. It took place at St. Monica's Ground, 3575 Main Street, Hartford. There were lots of fellowship, food, and refreshments.

Friendly Reminder: Food Pantry & Saturday Feeding
This is a friendly reminder that the food and supplies in the Food Pantry storage area are for the Food Pantry and Saturday feeding use only. We have signed a contract with Food Share stating that we will only use these items for the Food Pantry and Saturday Feeding. All organizations are reminded to purchase their food and supplies. Plan ahead to insure that you will have what is needed for your activity. Please do not ask anyone with a key to open the Food Pantry. They are are not authorized to do so. Thank you for your cooperation.

Gospel Trip to Philadelphia
The Parish Committee is sponsoring a gospel fundraising trip to Philadelphia. The bus leaves Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 6:00 a.m. sharp from St Monica's parking lot. There will a two hour all you can eat luncheon on the ship Spirit of Philadelphia. Later, there will be a professional guided heritage tour of Philadelphia. Donation of $125 includes bus trip, boat ride and guided tour. All deposits are due ASAP. See any member of the Harvest Committee for more information.

St. Monica's 106th Anniversary & Recognition Ball
This is a fundraiser to help retire the debt on our building. It will be held on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at the Hilton Hotel located at 315 Trumbull Street, Hartford. Ticket are $75 per person. Cocktails will be 7:00 p.m.-8: p.m. Dinner, program and dancing will be 8:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. For ticket information see Ms. Synfoni Green, Mrs. Arlette Hurdle, Mrs. Gloria Marsele, or Mrs. Paul Scott.

Walk Against Hunger
Saint Monica's Church members had a very successful Walk Against Hunger. The Walk earned $5,0963.70 for the Food Pantry and Out Reach Ministries. The committee thanks the fifty-eight members who walked and/or donated money toward the Walk. A special thank you and recognition to Jeremy Ifill, Kirby Lewis and Denzil Ricketts who each raised over $1,200.00.

Birthdays and Anniversaries in July
Happy birthday to: Cindy Jones and Joyce Lindsey 3rd, Michael Rose 4th; Winsome Barnaby 5th; Marie Harvey 6th; Leslyn Clark 10th; Coleen Wilson 11th; Vickena Webb 15th; Gloria Marsele and Benoni Asamoah 16th; Cisalee Harrell and Jordan Jones 20th; Shirley Freeman and Courtney Haughton 22nd; Enid cooke and Euna Farrell 24th; Clarence Tuning and Robert Lightfoot 25th; Carl Harrison 26th; Natalie Wimbish 27th; Melvin Johnson, Joyce Asiedu, Agnes Rose and Victoria Webb 30th; Hazel Weather 31st.
Happy anniversary to Mr & Mrs. Cyrus Aimey 5th; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson 7th; Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Tuning 24th.

The Bailey and Green families wish to extend our sincere appreciation to our St. Monica family for all of their expressions of sympathy on the passing of our loved one Richard Bailey. We extend our deepest Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Ms. Ruth McBean.

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