Readers Needed
Readers are needed for the Passion on Palm Sunday, April 17th and Good Friday, April 22nd
Episcopal Church Women
In celebration of Mother's Day and Women's Day, the Episcopal Church Women ask all women to wear pastel colors on Sunday, May 8, 2011. Women are asked to do do this at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Please see any member of the Episcopal Church Women if you have questions.
Holy Week and Easter Services
1. Sunday April 17, 2011: Palm Sunday services at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We will have the Liturgy of the Palms followed by the Eucharist during which we will have the reading of the Passion instead of the Gospel.
2. Monday April 18, 2011: Holy Monday usual Bible Study.
3. Wednesday April 20, 2011: Reconciliation and Healing services begin a 6:30 p.m.
4. Thursday April 21, 2011: Maundy Thursday service begins at 6:30 p.m. Feet Washing, agape meal, the stripping of the altar and the Watch until midnight. We need twelve volunteers for the washing of the feet.
5. Friday, April 22, 2011: Good Friday service begins a 12 noon. Good Friday Liturgy which includes the reading of the Passion, the veneration of the Cross and communion from the reserve Sacrament. The Good Friday collection goes to the mission of the Church in Jerusalem. We are asking for donations of grapes, prunes, cheese, olives, loaves of whole wheat bread, wine, dried fruits for the Agape meal and we need twelve volunteers for the foot washing ceremony.
6. Saturday April 23, 2011: Holy Saturday Confirmation and Reception at Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford, Connecticut begins at 7:30 p.m. Candidates must arrive a 6:00 p.m. for a rehearsal. Jovanna Elliott, Jason Harvey, Kalan Lewis, and Dennis Williams will be confirmed. Daisy Bell and Barbara Lindo will be received into the Episcopal Church. Please pray for our candidates.
7. Sunday April 23, 2011: Easter Sunday 6:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Celebrations. Baptism at the 10:30 a.m. celebration.
Upcoming Events
A Second Collection to Rebuild the Episcopal Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sunday, April 10, 2011 at both services.
2. Stations of the Cross. Every Friday in Lent and beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Walk Against Hunger T-Shirts
The deadline to purchase Walk Against Hunger T-Shirts is Sunday, April 10, 2011. Please see Mavis Blackwood or Susan
Mother's Day Corsages
The Young People's Fellowship are selling Mother's Day corsages. You may place your order by
April 17, 2011. The cost is $10 and you must specify either white or red. Please see any member of the Young People's Fellowship to sign up.
Easter Flowers
If you would like to celebrate a blessing or remember a loved one at Easter, you may contribute toward the cost of Easter Lilies and other flowers by filling out the form in the entry and giving it with your donation to any member of the Altar Guild. Deadline for entry in the Easter program is Palm Sunday, April 17, 2011. Thank you for helping to beautify our space.
Horace V. Davidson Scholarship Announcement
The Horace V. Davidson Scholarship Committee is asking each parishioner to contribute to the Scholarship Fund. Applications for the Scholarship are now available and are located in the Narthex.. There are two scholarships, one for first time applicants and the other for continuing students. The deadline for first applicants is Sunday May 15, 2011. The deadline for continuing students is Wednesday June 1, 2011.
Vestry Installation
The Vestry will be installed on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at the 10:30 a.m. service. After the service we will continue our conversation about either the renovation/additions to our multipurpose building or the building of a traditional church. No decision will be made at that time. We want to hear what the membership has to say to the Vestry and each other.
Food Share's 26th Annual Walk Against Hunger
Our annual Walk Against Hunger will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2011. Saint Monica's Church has participated in every Walk Against Hunger. The Walk is our major fund raiser for the Food Pantry and the Saturday Reach Out Luncheons. Last year, 59 parishioners walked and raised $8,494.00. This year, with God's help, our goal is 75 parishioners who walk or make donations to the Walk. We hope to raise $10,000.00. If you cannot walk, please return your brochure and donation to Patricia Nelson, Mavis Blackwood or Susan Davis.
Food Pantry Outreach
Members of the congregation volunteer for the Food Pantry and Outreach Community Feeding Programs. To learn more about the Programs click HERE.
The Young People's Fellowship will host its annual Mother's Day/Father's Day dinner on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. Please signup by Sunday, April 17, 2011 if you plan to attend.
Gift Day
Gift Day is Sunday, May 15, 2011 and
our contribution is $107. Saint Monica Patronal Festival is Wednesday, May 4, 2011; however we will also celebrate it on Gift Day.
Liturgical Hangings
We give thanks to God for the donations made by Pat Bell, Hyacinth Tate, and Carmon Funeral Home for the purchase of Liturgical hangings.
Birthdays and Anniversaries In April
Happy Birthday to Winston Barnaby and Greta Jordon 1st; Kishuana Lightfoot 2nd; Elvida Montgomery 3re; Ijeoma Nwazojie 6th; Kylee Lightfoot 8th; Carmen Garvey and Justin Hall 10th; Nicole Walters 11th; Donna Ricketts 13th; coral Harris 14th; Maureen Anderson 19th; Hattie Henry 21st; Norma O'Neil 22nd; April Elliott, Joan Jones, Andre Krauz, Denzil Ricketts, and William Washington 23rd; Richard Bailey, Jr. 24th; Julio Anderson 26th; Ingrid Dupuy and Norma Ifill 28th.
Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Garvey 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Linton Winston 24th; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Harvey 25th.
We extend our deepest Christian sympathy to the family of Florence Mursell whose funeral was yesterday Saturday 9, 2011. May she rest in peace.
Fr. Davidson will attend the funeral of his nephew on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in New York City. May he rest in Peace.
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