Sunday, September 4, 2011


The Rector's Desk
The vestry now has its own projector. We will continue to use our PowerPoint presentation. It is obvious that we need others to be trained and be willing to help Bates Lyons who so far has done a marvelous job. The PowerPoint presentation saves us from having to print the service and the lessons. We hope you appreciate the effort being made by the vestry as we seek to use wisely the finances you give on a weekly basis for the operation of our parish.

Rescheduling Meetings
Fr. Davidson needs our cooperation if we wish to reschedule a meeting on Monday or Wednesday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Fr. Davidson schedules interviews and pastoral counseling either before or after Prayer Meetings on Monday. He may also schedule interviews and pastoral counseling on Wednesday. He schedules events when there is no Bible Study. As a courtesy, please call Fr. Davidson to verify if he has anything scheduled.

Activity Calendar
Weekly: 1) Mondays-Prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m.; 2) Wednesdays-Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.

Special Days (Weekly): 1) Wednesdays and Fridays-Food Pantry opens 10:00 a.m. to noon.
2) Every other Thursday-Pro's and Con's Task Force at 6:30 p.m.

Special Days (Monthly): 1) First Thursday-Stewardship Committee at 6:30 p.m.; 2) Second Thursday-Vestry Meeting 6:30 p.m.; 3) Third Tuesday-Women of Valier; 4) Third and fourth Saturday opens at 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 5) First Saturday-Episcopal Church Women (ECW) at 12:00 noon

PowerPoint Ministry
We are currently looking for persons interested in the ministry of presenting PowerPoint during the service (8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.). Requirements:
1. Must have a laptop computer.
2. Must have a working knowledge of PowerPoint.
3. Must have access to the internet.
4. Must be reliable.

If you are interested give you name, email address and/or phone number to the Office. A. Bates Lyons will contact you to participate in a training session.

Once again we are selling 2012 religious calendars for $10.00 each. Please consider buying these as gifts for you family and friends. See Euna Farrell or Arlette Hurdle to purchase calendars. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Vestry Retreat
Our vestry retreat will be Saturday, September 10, 2011 at Diocesan House. All vestry members are expected to attend. There will be more information in the future

Parish Committee Cruise
The Parish Committee presents a good ole' time when we cruise on the Spirit of Boston in Boston Harbor. The cruise will take place on Saturday, September 10, 2011. The trip includes transportation, a sit down luncheon buffet and meal gratuities, entertainment, time at Quincy Market and a spectacular view while cruising Boston Harbor and Boston Historic Seaport district. Tickets are$130.00 per person. Please contact Patsy for more information.

Our Homecoming will be Sunday, September 11, 2011. We hope to present our program for the rest on this year and 2012. Your prayers are requested as we plan.

Harvest Service
Our Harvest Service will be Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. We will welcome our former rector the Rev. Hime-Budu Shannon as our Guest Preacher.

The Harvest Committee Annual Luncheon
The Harvest Committee will hold its Annual Harvest Luncheon on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the USS Chowder Pot IV in Hartford. The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. and tickets are $40.00. Please contact Lorraine Mapp, Olive James or Cynthia Timoll for more information.

Birthdays and Anniversaries in September
Happy Birthday to: Jennie Weaver 2nd; Ashley Cohen, Cynthia Solomon, Elaine Stewart Annie Warren 3rd; Dorothy Archer 5th; Elizabeth Martin and Ceceline Morson 6th; Kevin Forand and Concie Hanlan 7th; Bjorn Hume 8th; Jordan Rice and Joyce Samuel 9th; Cheris Lea Branch and Vina Morgan 10th; Delores Samuda 11th; Wentworth Lawrence and Kerry-Ann Stewart 13th; Marva Brito-Douglas and Alice Satchell 14th; Iman Devonish 16th; Veron Webb 17th; Pauline Scott 19th; Cisalee Harrell 20th; Leslie Hanlan 23rd; Rochelle Holder 25th; Irene Linton and Felicia Mikell 26th; Earline Bradshaw 28th.

Happy Anniversary to: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 23rd.

In Memory For September
August: Josephine Bell 29th; Horace Davidson 30th; Jean Thomas 31st.
September: Jennie Weaver 2nd; Annie Warren 3rd; Philip Goode 4th; Kathryn Blade 8th; John Craig, Sr. 12th; Vanessa Price 15th; Milton Ross 16th; Lois Martin and Dudley Nevers 17th Ernest Thorton 18th; Luther Smith, Sr. 20th; Kenneth Walker 21st; Easton Holmes and Leslie Jackson 24th; Jacinta Davis 28th.

September 11 Memorial:
Winston A. Grant was an employee of Blue Cross and the father of two. He lived in West Hempstead, NY and is survived by his wife Joyce.

Michael Parks was 28 and he worked on the 86th floor. He was an active Episcopalian.

We record the death of Herbert Bowen, former Junior Warden of our Church. Our prayers are with the family.

Condolences to the Green and Bailey Family.

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