Saturday, May 11, 2013


From the Desk Of The Rector 
Paul begins his second missionary journey by planning to visit his fellow christians to deliver the decision reached at the Council of Jerusalem and we are told that the churches were strengthened in the faith and increased in numbers daily. Then we read that their intentions to visit and speak at some places were forbidden and the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them; Acts 16:7-8. They, however, ended up in Macedonia after Paul in a vision saw a man beseeching him and saying "Come over to macedonia and help us" Acts 16:9. Another verse that comes to mind is from Provers 16:9 "A man's mind plans his way but God directs his steps." 
We must plan. We must organize to survive. In our planning, the mission of God must always be kept at the center and our planning must be done prayerfully, discernment being part of prayer. We must trust God to lead us along the way for if He leads us we cannot go astray.  
We must forget self and concentrate on God's mission. "So forget about yourself and concentrate on Him and worship Him." Over and over in scripture we come across individuals who were called by god to be part of His mission: Moses became the leader of the people of Israel; David the shepherd boy became King; Saul the murderer became Paul the champion of the gentiles; Peter the die-hard Jew became the reconciler at the council of Jerusalem. Are we hearing God calling us out of our comfort zone or from the things of the past?
We must give thanks in all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:18" give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." For what are thankful as individuals and as members of St. Monica's?  "For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth for all generation." Psalm 100:5.

St. Monica's Website
To visit St. Monica's website CLICK HERE.

Directions To St. Monica's
For driving directions to St. Monica's, 3575 Main Street, Hartford CLICK HERE

The Daughters Of The King Quiet Day
The Daughters of the King cordially invite you to attend our Second Annual Quiet Day on Saturday June 1, 2013 from 8:80 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at St. Monica's. The Theme is "Embracing the Presence of God: A Day of Surrender and Silence." The day will include spiritually-filled sessions led by Mrs. Evelyn Green and will reflect on God's presence in our lives. Our day will end with the celebration of the Eucharist by Fr. Davidson. 

Bus Trip to Lancaster Pennsylvania
The bus trip to Lancaster Pennsylvania will be Friday June 7 and Saturday June 8, 2013. The package includes 1 night accommodation, 1 breakfast, 1 Amish dinner, and admission to  
Noah at the Sight and sound Theatre. The price is $298.00 per person, double occupancy; single occupancy is an additional$70.00.   

Bishop's 5K For Kids
The race race will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013 and all are welcome to run, walk, volunteer, and pledge. The Bishop's 5K is now in its 12th year and we have raised over $400,000 to help children in Connecticut.We hope you can help us to raise more money and to have fun while doing so!

Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Committee ask each parishioner to contribute to the Scholarship fund. applications are now now available for first time applicants and continuing students. The deadline for first time applicants is Wednesday, May 15, 2013. The deadline for continuing students is Saturday, June 1, 2013.

Women's Day
Women's Day was Sunday, May 12, 2013 a the 10:30 a.m. service. All women wee asked to wear pastel colors. Ms. Denise Robertson was the guest speaker. She is a member of Hopewell Baptist Church. 

Food Pantry
Please continue to donate to the Ruth Small Food Pantry. Suggested items are canned or instant potatoes, canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken(, canned sweet potatoes, soup, peanut butter,jelly and individual fruit cups. Thank you for your continued support.

Rescheduling Meetings
Fr. Davidson needs our cooperation if we wish to reschedule a meeting on Monday or Wednesday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Fr. Davidson schedules interviews and pastoral counseling either before or after Prayer Meetings on Monday. He may also schedule interviews and pastoral counseling on Wednesday. He schedules events when there is no Bible Study. As a courtesy, please call Fr. Davidson to verify if he has anything schedule.

Activity Calendar
Weekly: 1) Mondays-Prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m. 2) Wednesday-Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.

Special Days (Weekly): 1) Wednesdays and Fridays-Food Pantry opens 10:00 a.m. to noon.
2) Every other Thursday-Pro's and Con's task Force at 6:30 p.m.

Special Says (Monthly): First Thursday-Stewardship committee at 6:30 p.m. 2) Second Thursday-Vestry Meeting 6:30 p.m. 3) Third Tuesday- Women of Valier 4) Third and fourth Saturday opens at 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. 5) First Saturday-Episcopal Church women (ECW) at 12:00 noon.

Birthday And Anniversary in May
Happy Birthday to: Kathleen Register and Dennis Williams 5th; Gregory Hurdle 7th; Andre Barnaby 9th; Patricia Bell and Winston Barnaby 10th; Kaya Wattin 11th; Nancy Bailey 13th; Percy Nelson 17th; Lurlene Williams 18th; LLoyd Wimbish 19th; Glendolyn Hall and Ann Johnson 20th; Jean Hylton 27th; Olive James, Marvin Jones and Elijah Elliot 29th; Terry Brown, Sonia Dupuy and Beverly Watkins 31st.

Happy Anniversary to: Winston and Winsome Barnaby 10th; Dermoth and Nora Brown 20th; Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson 20th.

In Memory for May

In Memory of: Marcelyn Bowen 5th; Lynda Sealy 6th; Doris Redmond and Catherine Morehead 7th; Theron robinson 8th; margaret Alexander and Patricia Hurdle 11th; Rose Baisden 12th; Christina Lang 12th; Ciela Oalvert and Sebert Goldenblum 14th; Carrie Pilgrim, Maxine Hilburn, Julian Price, Grace Mitchelle, Mathilda Stevenson and Leveta Watson 16th; William Skeete, Hattie Howie, Frank Robinson and Rudolph Clarke 18th; Lindsey Royal 21st; Charles Satchell and James Willis 21st; Roy Soares and Earl White 22nd; Irma Reid 25th; Benjamin Taylor, Charlotte Gilmore and Victor Lambert 26th; Pearci Bastiany, Dora Hicks, Leon Miller and Eugene Simmons 27th; Patricia Gouch 30th; Edith White 31st.

Food Pantry
Please continue to donate to the Ruth Small Food Pantry. Suggested items are canned or instant potatoes, canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken(, canned sweet potatoes, soup, peanut butter,jelly and individual fruit cups. Thank you for your continued support.

Rescheduling Meetings
Fr. Davidson needs our cooperation if we wish to reschedule a meeting on Monday or Wednesday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Fr. Davidson schedules interviews and pastoral counseling either before or after Prayer Meetings on Monday. He may also schedule interviews and pastoral counseling on Wednesday. He schedules events when there is no Bible Study. As a courtesy, please call Fr. Davidson to verify if he has anything schedule.

Activity Calendar
Weekly: 1) Mondays-Prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m. 2) Wednesday-Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.

Special Days (Weekly): 1) Wednesdays and Fridays-Food Pantry opens 10:00 a.m. to noon.
2) Every other Thursday-Pro's and Con's task Force at 6:30 p.m.

Special Says (Monthly): First Thursday-Stewardship committee at 6:30 p.m. 2) Second Thursday-Vestry Meeting 6:30 p.m. 3) Third Tuesday- Women of Valier 4) Third and fourth Saturday opens at 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. 5) First Saturday-Episcopal Church women (ECW) at 12:00 noon.

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