Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Sunday November 30, 2014: First Sunday Of Advent
First Lesson: Isaiah (64:1-9)
Psalm 80, Page 702, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (1 Corinthians 1:3-9)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Mark (13:24-37)

Sunday, November 23, 2014: Last Sunday After Pentecost: Christ The King: Youth Sunday
Service conducted by Daryl Burke
First Lesson: Ezekiel (34:11, 20-24)
Psalm 100, Page 780, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (Ephesians 1:15-23)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (25:31-46)

Sunday, November 16, 2014: Twenty-Third  Sunday After Pentecost 
Morning Prayer 8:00 a.m led by Stephanie Lightfoot 
Morning Prayer 10:30 a.m. led by Jeremy Ifill 
Invitatory and Psalter Page 80, BCP
Venite Page 82, BCP
Psalm 123, Page 780, BCP
First Lesson: Judges (4:1-7)
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Canticle 21 Page 95, BCP
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (25:14-30)

Sunday, November 9,  2014: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost
The Celebrant was The Bishop Clarence Coleridge
Sermon by The re. Himi Budu Shannon
First Lesson: Joshua (24:1-3a, 14-25)
Psalm 78:1-7 Page 694, BCP
Second Lesson: Paul's Epistle (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 4:1-9)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (25:1-13)   

Sunday November 2, 2014: All Saints Sunday
The Celebrant was Bishop Clarence Coleridge
First Lesson: Revelation (7:9-17)
Psalm 34:1-10, 22, Page 627, BCP
Second Lesson: John's Epistle (1 John 3:1-3)
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According To Matthew (5:1-12)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


St. Monica's Website
To visit St. Monica's website CLICK HERE.

Directions To St. Monica's
For driving directions to St. Monica's, 3575 Main Street, Hartford CLICK HERE

Birthdays And Anniversaries In November
Happy Birthday to: Cyril Burke and Pat Nelson 3rd; Evelyn 4th; Carmen Brown;
Scott Thornton 9th; Marcus Clark 11th; Rory Elliott and Lucy Fuentes 13th;  Denzil Samuda 14th; Hylton Cook 15th; Adolphus Griffin and Rosalee Bracey 15th; George Jordan 19th; BAtes Lyons 20th; Carol Blanks 24th; Blondell Thornton 25th; Andrea Branch 26th; Austin Tagbo and Verona Francis and Kenneth Lambert 29th.

In Memory of: Ambrose Watkins 2nd; Gertrude Smith and Michael Mitchell, Jr. 6th; Fitz T. Hickson 7th; Macheek Jennings 8th; Milton Rice 9th; Dorothy Wiggins 11th; Frank Davis and Solon Taylor; Dorothy Cunningham 17th; Edith Duval 19th; Walter Mitchell 21st; Zulietta Burke, Elizabeth Taylor and Sydney Lopez 22nd; Lillian Brewster and William Seymour 24th; Richard Bailey 25th;  Raymond Countryman 26th; Harold Taylor, Bessie Johnson and florence McWillie 27th; John West and Gladys Brown 29th.

Ebola Outbreak
This is the biggest and most complex Ebola outbreak in history. To assist Liberians in their fight against the Ebola virus, please deliver your donations to St. Monica's Episcopal Church, 3575 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut. CDC and WHO approved Preventive Products needed include: soap, alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol, health care worker protective clothing such as gloves, masks, gown and eye shields.

Thanksgiving Pie Sale
The Young People's Fellowship (YPF) is taking orders for the Annual Thanksgiving pie sale. Please see any member of the YPF to order. Orders will be taken until November 5th.

Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Veronica Airey-Wilson, Joyce Asiedu, Winston Barnaby, Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), April Carter, Evelyn Green, David Hickmon, A. Bates Lyons, Joseph Noel, Evelyn Stewart, Terrie Thomas.

Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist

Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke


Monday, November 3, 2014


Healthy Living
5 Good Reasons To Eat In The Morning

1. It May protect your heart.
        In a recent study that involved almost 27,000 men, researchers found that those who      
        didn't eat a morning meal were 27 percent more likely to develop heart disease than 
       those who did.
   2. It might lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.
        A Morning meal may help you avoid fluctuating glucose levels, which can lead to
   3. It gets you moving.
       In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN),  

       people who ate breakfast were more physically active during the morning than those    
       who didn't. 
  4. It might give you a mental edge.
       Research involving adults and children has indicated that breakfast might enhance
       memory, attention, the seed of processing information, reasoning, creativity, learning,        
       and verbal abilities.
  5. It just might keep your weight down.
       Although more than 100 studies have linked eating breakfast with a reduce risk of 
       obesity, researchers point out that those studies are merely observational and thus 
      don't prove that the meal keeps you from gaining weight.
     ConsumerReports. October 2014, p.16.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The Once And Future King, Four Volumes in One: The Sword in the Stone, The Queen of Air and Darkness, The Ill-Made Knight, and The Candle in the Wind 
by T. H. White

This is my favorite book, but I lost my original copy of it. Couldn't wait to receive this book. It arrived in perfect condition, and began re-reading it immediately. It's the best, most vivid, and certainly the most 'authentic' telling of the Arthurian Legend. Most authors get it completely wrong. I recommend this unequivicolly, and that's coming from someone in an Honor's Degree in Literature. the book arrived in perfect condition. I was thrilled to get it, and I haven't a single complaint about the seller.