Thursday, December 31, 2009


Your Comments and Contributions

Your comments and contributions are important. Please let us hear from you.

1. Send your emails to:
2. Comments can be made on the blog.
3. See me (Floyd Wyche) in Church. I attend 8:00 a.m. service

Special Collections for Haiti

There will be second collections on Sunday, January 24 and Sunday, January 31 for the people of Haiti.

Church Directory

The parish office continues to update the addresses, phone numbers, cell and home and email address of all our members. Please fill out the form Membership Information Update before the end of January. One of the responsibilities of the Rector and Vestry is to have a correct membership list.

Annual Parish Meeting

There will be one service on Sunday, February 7, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. After the service, the Annual Parish Meeting will be held.

Y.P.F. Bake Sale

The Y.P.F. will host a bake sale on Sunday, February 7, 2010 prior to the Annual Parish Meeting.

Timely Reminder

This is a timely reminder to all organizations, wardens and committees to submit their annual reports by January 31, 2010 for inclusion in our Annual Report. There is a template available for those who need one.


1. There will be a meeting of all ushers on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend please contact Marie Brown-Harvey prior toe the meeting.

1. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will have a meeting on Sunday, January 31, 2010 after the 10:30 a.m. celebration. PLease contact Vice Director Cyrus Aimey for more information.

Upcoming Events

1. All Vestry members are reminded of the monthly vestry meeting on Thursday, January 14, 2010 beginning at 6:30 p.m. We will discuss and hopefully pass our 2010 budget and present a slate of candidates for our 2010 Annual Election on February 14, 2010. Members are invited to attend.

2. Confession of Peter and the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Monday, January 18, 2010.

3. Observance of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. On Monday, January 18, 2010. Office closed.

4. Conversion of St. Paul on Monday, January 25, 2010.

5. Clergy Conference Wednesday, February 3 and Thursday 4, 2010

Feast of the Epiphany

On the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th, we remember the magi, the three wise men who came from the East (Matthew 2:1-12) bearing gifts for Jesus. The gifts were gold, a symbol of Jesus' kingship on earth; frankincense representing prayer; and myrrh representing his suffering. Epiphany also reminds us that Christmas has ended. Here is another opportunity for us to show forth Jesus Christ to each other and our community. Here is another opportunity for us to remember that our church will grow when we grow spiritually. So how do we show forth Christ?

1.We must have a deep appreciation for each other as members of our church and be supportive of our working together.

2. We must be prepared to get to know each other more; do not listen to the "stuff" in the corridor and believe it.

3. We must look for the positive and encourage it to be uplifted more and more. We need to advertise the great things happening in our church and be weary of those who see only the negative.

There is an old tradition of blessing the homes during this season. I am inviting you to invite me (Fr. Davidson) to bless your home. This will allow us to spend time together and to become better acquainted. Happy New Year.

40 Days of Discussion

On January 6 we will launch our 40 days discussion on the way forward at St. Monica's.

We will have our discussions in four groups; each group will consist of three tribes.

Our responsibility to each other will be to make certain that by February 13, Absalom Jones Day, we have action plans with time lines to help us improve the life of our parish and our witness and ministries to our community.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Happy birthday to Jessica Hurdle January 1; Christine Hurdle January 5; Cynthia Timoll January 7; Doreen Radway January 9; Jennie Dixon, Tyreik Noel, and Hubbard Warren January 12; Winston Anderson, Elroy Toppin and Allen James January 20; Nellie Jordan and Joanne Silva January 22; Lorraine Mapp January 24; Mildred Hunter January 27; Mary Pinnock and Floyd Wyche January 28; Janice Binion and Lauren Toppin January 30; Barbara Neals January 31; Gladstone Cooke and Maxine Hillburn February 2; Jeanette Walker February 3; Lisa Powell February 4; Keith Martin February 6.

Happy anniversary to Verna Ferguson and and her dear husband January 16; Floyd and Claudia Wyche January 28.


We record the death of Ms. Ruth Colvin. Ms. Colvin was once head of the Daughters of the King; she organized and ran our summer program and was a lay visitor. We extend Christian sympathy to her family and friends. May her and all souls of the faithful departed rest in peace

From her family:

The Colvin (Elliott and Spencer) family express gratitude to all who called, sent cards, brought food, made visits, or just prayed for us. You help us remember Ruth's kind and generous spirt and the legacy she leaves us and the rest of the world. These precious memories, we will cherish. We are most grateful. God bless you richly.

The Daughters of the King and ECW

The Daughters of the King and ECW wish to extend thanks to all who contributed to the repast for Ruth Colvin.

Our sincere Christian sympathy goes out to the wife, children and friends of Mr. William Seymour. May he rest in peace

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