Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hours for Services During the Christmas Season
1. Christmas Eve, December 24th 11:30 p.m.
2. Sunday, December 26th 9:30 a.m. (There will only be one service)
6. Thursday, January 6, 2011 Epiphany 6:30 p.m.

Annual Bus Ride
Saint Monica's Annual Bus Ride will be Monday December 20, 2010. We will visit a few Hartford schools to share Christmas cheer. Each member is asked to fill a christmas basket/box with food items worth about $60. We are planning to visit four schools and share our baskets with forty families.

The basket (laundry basket) should include:
1) A gift certificate for Stop n' Shop for meat.
2) Potatoes or rice or macaroni and cheese.
3) Vegetables (canned, fresh or frozen).
4) Fruit juice (100% juice only).
5) 2 dozen rolls.
6) Dessert.

The basket may also include foods that children eat during the vacation. For example:
Cereal, peanut butter, jelly, cocoa, soup, bread, crackers, fruit juice (100% juice only), fresh or canned fruits and vegetables.

Annual Reports
All Organizations of Saint Monica's Church must submit an annual report to the Church Office no later than January 15, 2011. You may contact the Church Office for the format of the report and what the report should include. Please feel free to contact either the Parish Clerk or the Church Office if you have questions.

Bishop Ian Douglas
Bishop Ian Douglas will visit Saint Monica's on Sunday, January 16, 2011 during the 10:30 a.m. service. He will meet with the vestry after the service.

Saint Monican Newsletter
The Saint Monican Newsletter welcomes your stories and reflections as it attempts to build a culture of sharing our faith and memories with one another. Please encourage your children to send their stories as well. See Joyce Asiedu for more information.

Gospel Choir
Saint Monica's Gospel Choir will hold its annual elections on Sunday January 16, 2011, immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service. The following are the officers of the Gospel Choir: 1) President; 2) Vice President; 3) Secretary; 4) Financial Secretary; and 5) Chaplain. All active members of the Choir are eligible to be nominated. The names of nominees should be sent to Terry Brown. There is a call for sopranos and altos. The Gospel Choir welcomes any member of Saint Monica's who is willing to share in the ministry of spreading the Gospel through song.

Usher Guild
The Usher Guild is currently seeking individuals who are willing to give their time in serving as ushers in 2011 for either the 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. service. Ushers serve three Sundays per month for four months. Anyone interested in this ministry is asked to see either Marie Brown-Harvey or Everton Stewart.

Thanksgiving Out Reach
A special thank you from Susan Davis and Pat Nelson to all the volunteers who helped to make the 2010 Thanksgiving Out Reach so successful: Food Pantry staff, Saturday Feeding staff, individuals who cooked the turkeys, those who delivered the meals to the sick/shut-in and the shelters, those who donated food and the Young People's Fellowship. You exemplify the meaning of teamwork that transcends generations.

Senior Luncheon
The Senior Luncheon was held on Saturday, December 11, 2010 in the Parish Hall. It began at noon and was a sit down affair. Members of Saint Monica's Church who are 65 years of age or older were invited. Contacts for the affair were Cynthia Timoll and Joyce Taylor.

Birthdays and Anniversaries in December
Happy Birthday to Marion Hanson and Stephanie Lightfoot 3rd; Cameron Jones 5th; Beresford Mapp 6th; Jason Hall and Jefferson McAlpine 7th; Brain Brito 8th; Conor Elliott, Michael Holder and Joseph Noel 9th; Gordon Holder 11th; Joyce Samuels and France Sharp 12th; Gabrille Irving 13th; Michelle Davis 15th; Ivy Anderson and Gwendolyn Bailey 16th; Ena Smith 17th; Winnie Anderson and Kathleen Shaw 19th; Pamela Brown, Julia Rankin and Shenna Petrolito 20th; Marcia Esson and Joyce Taylor 21st; Jane C
ollins and Erica Feurtado 22nd; Withworth Lewis and Cherell Russell 23rd; Christopher Toppin and Kurtis Webb 24th;
Leover Neals and Norest Walter 25th.
Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Anderson 15th; Mr. & Mrs. Allan James 15th; Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marseles 21st.

We extend our sincere Chris
tian sympathy to the Oliphant family as they mourn the death of Gladys Brown. May she rest in peace.

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