Saturday, July 2, 2011


Farewell Brunch
The Rector, Vestry and members of Saint Monica's Church said farewell to Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Davis with a brunch that was held on Sunday, July 10, 2011 after the 10:30 a.m. service.

From Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Davis
Thank you so much for the wonderful tribute, delicious brunch and generous gift you gave us on Sunday, July 10th. St. Monica's family will always have a special place in the hearts of the Davis family. You all will always be welcome in our home.

From The Desk of the Rector
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to a lovely few hours as we said farewell to Dr. and Mrs. Davis. They joined us for their final Prayer meeting on Sunday. Thank you again Doctor and Mrs. Davis. It is always good to let members know how much we appreciated their ministries among and with us. I am hoping that we will do the same thing at least twice a year. When we work out the details we will let you know.

Our young people will lead us in worship on July at 10:30 a.m. They will do the entire Liturgy of the word which will include choosing of hymns, liturgical dance, ushering, etc. We are praying that we can do this at least every fifth Sunday.

The Vestry now has its own projector. We will continue to use our PowerPoint presentation. It is obvious that we need others to be trained and be willing to help Bates Lyons who has done a marvelous job. The PowerPoint presentation saves us from having to print the service and lessons. We hope you appreciate the effort being made by the vestry as we seek to use wisely the finances you give on a weekly basis for the operation of our parish.

The Annual Parish Picnic
Come one! Come all! To our Annual Saint Monica's Parish Picnic. The Picnic will be Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 2 p.m. on the church grounds. There will be lots of fun, fellowship, food, refreshments and games. Please see Mrs. Nora Brown or any member of the Stewardship Committee for more information.

Jason Harvey
Please include Jason Harvey in your prayers as he travels to Australia from July 12-29, 2011. He will be a People-to-People Student Ambassador. Jason is one of 40 high school students from New England. Ambassadors will develop the following insight: 1) Marine biology and its application to Australian sea life; 2) History of Australia's first European settlements, zoology, geology and botany; 3) World heritage sites; 4) Australian government, multiculturalism and much more.

The Harvest Committee Presents
The Harvest Committee presents a fundraising trip to the Sights and Sound Theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, August 19 and 20, 2011. The fees are $290.00 per adult and $240.00 per child. Cost includes transportation, hotel fees and taxes, one breakfast and dinner, and ticket admission to the play Joseph. For more information please see Olive James.

Birthday and Anniversaries in July
Happy Birthday to: Cindy Jones 3rd; Michael Rose 4th; Winsome Barnaby 5th; Marie Harvey 6th; Leslyn Clark 10th; Coleen Wilson 11th; Vickena Webb 15th; Gloria Marsele and Benoni Asamoah 16th; Cisalle Harrell 20th; Shirley Freeman and Courtney Haughton 22nd; Hazel Weather 31st.

Happy Anniversary to: Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Aimey 5th; Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Samuda 6th; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nelson 7th.

We extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family of Samuel Ulette. May he rest in peace.

The family of Samuel Ulett would like to thank our church family at St. Monica's for their kindness, prayers and visits during Samuel's illness and his passing. We also want to thank the members of the church for their participation in the service and assistance with the repast. May God's richest blessings be with you always.

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