Saturday, September 1, 2012


I Wonder
This is an occasional column that answers interesting questions.

What is Defensor Pacis and why was it important to King Henry VIII?

Marsilius of Padua (Italian Marsilio or Marsiglio de Padova) was an Italian scholar who wrote Defensor Pacis (The Defender of Peace). It is a document that states the limit of power of the Church of Rome. It appeared in 1324 and among other things it states:

1. Christ never designated one of his disciples to be more important than any other. Therefore, the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) has no more authority than any other bishop.

2. Secular laws, to include those of marriage, rest solely in the hands of the legislator. the legislator is given this authority by a general council.

3. The Church should not own vast amounts of property.

Thomas Cromwell, who was chief minister of King Henry VIII, used Defensor Pacis to establish the legal framework that gave Henry the power to:

1. Become head of the Church in England.

2. To annul his marriage to Katherine of Aragon.

3. To marry Anne Boleyn.

To read more on these topics go to these links:

Defensor Pacis (over view) CLICK HERE

Defensor Pacis (more detailed) CLICK HERE


The Rev. Charles Davidson

Vestry Members
Carol Anderson, Cyrus Aimey (Junior Warden), Veronica Airey-Wilson, Joyce Asiedu, Walter Benjamin (Senior Warden), Nora Brown, , Marie Brown-Harvey (Secretary), Patricia David, Evelyn Green, David Hickmon, Shannon Holder, Bates Lyons, Joe Noel, Peter Marsele, Terrie Thomas.

Rochelle Holder - Youth Choir
Nathaniel Baker - Music Director/Organist

Rector Emeritus
Canon Cyril Burke


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