Sunday, October 6, 2013

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy 
by Annette Gordon-Reed

Gordon-Reed shows how many prominent historians have discounted evidence of a TJ-Sally liaison simply because it comes from, or is attributed to African-American sources, while they eagerly rely on equally slim, or even slimmer, evidence from Euro-American sources. She also highlights the expressed reluctance of some "brand name" Jefferson scholars to ascribe reprehensible conduct of Mr. Jefferson, regardless of evidence that it may have occurred. I read the first (1997) edition of this book, which appeared before the DNA study was released. The new information from DNA results supports Ms. Gordon-Reed's cautionary proposition that we should not ignore or discard any evidence simply because of its source. I was glad to hear that the DNA results confirmed the long-standing oral tradition that Eston Hemings and his descendants are related to Thomas Jefferson. This new century needs people possessed of the Hemings steadfast truthfulness.
Review by John Chastain

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