Sunday, April 4, 2010


Consecration of Bishop-Elect Ian Douglas
The consecration of Bishop-Elect The Rev Dr. Ian T. Douglas was held Saturday, April 17, 2010 at The Koeppel Community Center Trinity College. The time was 11:00 a.m. Koeppel is located at 175 New Britain Avenue, Hartford Connecticut.

Deanery Confirmation
Our Deanery Confirmation was held Sunday April 25, 2010 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 155 Wyllys Street, Hartford, Connecticut. The time was 11:00 a.m. It was the first confirmation service of Bishop-elect Ian douglas. Our choirs sang at the service and we thank them for agreeing to do so.

Pastoral Care
We are always grateful to members who visit on behalf of our Church. Please note a few things:

a) Before you visit on behalf of the Church you must attend Safe Church Training. Once you have attended you must give a copy of your certificate to the Rector.

b) You must always notify the Parish Office or the Rector when you plan to visit and you must give a report of your visit when it is completed.

c) Confidentiality is extremely important.

Father Davidson's Vacation
Father Davidson will be away on vacation From Monday, April 19 to Monday, May 3, 2010.

Horace V. Davis Scholarship
The Horace V. Davidson Scholarship committee is asking each parishioner to contribute to the Scholarship Fund. the annual Horace V. Davidson scholarship applications are now available. The are two scholarships, one for first time applicants and the other for continuing students. The deadline for first time applicants is Saturday, May 15, 2010. The deadline for continuing students is Tuesday, June 1, 2010. All applications must be complete. Both applications are available from the Narthex and should returned to the church office. We thank you for your continued support of the young people of our parish.

Goodwin College Scholarship
If you qualify, you may be eligible for an associate's degree at Goodwin College in East Hartford, Connecticut. Please contact Devone Edwards for further information.

St. Monica's Elderly Housing Board
There is one vacancy on the St.Monica's Elderly Housing Board. If anyone is interested in filling the position please contact Winsome Barnaby or Jeannette Walker. Please send resumes to Cisalee Harrell.

Upcoming Events
1. The ECW will meet on Sunday, April 18, 2010 following the 10:30 service. All members are asked to attend.

2. The Y.P.F. will host its second annual Mother's Day and Father's Day banquet on Saturday, May 1, 2010. It will be at 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Please see any of the members of the Y.P.F. to sigh up. You must select your meal choice by Sunday, April 18, 2010.

3. The 27th Foodshare Walk Against Hunger will be on Sunday, May 2, 2010. Funds raised allow St. Monica's to do outreach ministry in the community.

4. We will celebrate St. Monica's Day on Sunday May 9, 2010; this is also our Gift Day. Adult members are asked to give $106 to celebrate our 106th year of ministry and witness in Hartford. We hope parents will encourage their children to give multiples of 106, for example $1.06, $2.12, etc.

5. On Wednesday, May 12, 2010 our newly consecrated Bishop Ian Douglas will visit St Monica's. He will speak about the Anglican Communion and Mission. The service will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy birthday: April 1st Winston Barnaby; April 3rd Elvida Montgomery; April 6th Ijeoma Nwazoji; April 10th Justin Hall; April 11th Greta Jordon and Nicole Walters; April 13th Donna Ricketts; April 19th Maureen Anderson; April 22nd Hattie Henry, and Norma O'Neil; April 23rd April Elliott. Joan Jones, Andre Krause, Stephen Lightfoot, Denzil Ricketts, William Washington; April 24th Richard Bailey; April 26th Julio Anderson; April 28th Ingrid Dupuy and Norma Ifill

Happy Anniversary: April 12th Mr. and Mrs. Garvey; April 24th Mr. & Mrs. Winston Linton; April 25th Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Harvey

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